A `village` is contained within a prefecture, and a `district` has many `villages` or `towns` that not overlap an no uncovered area.
A village
is contained within a prefecture, and a district
has many villages
or towns
that not overlap an no uncovered area.
By importing the table from wikipedia, we can get the name
, en
(english name), prefecture
, district
and area
details of the village.
So we can use the following code to get the data and run the cypher query.
const createVillages = async (ctx) => {
const url = `https://www.wikitable2json.com/api/List_of_villages_in_Japan?table=0&keyRows=1`;
const { data } = await axios.get(url);
const villages = data[0].map((village) => {
return {
area: village["Area (in km²)"],
district: village["District"],
name: village["Japanese"],
prefecture: village["Prefecture"],
en: village["Village"],
const result = await ctx.session.run(geography.createVillages, { villages });
logger.info(`Villages created`);
return result;
And the cypher is pretty simple, for each village, create Village node and set area
, en
property. Create a district node and bind the village, district and prefecture relationships.
UNWIND $villages as village
MERGE (v:Village:Municipal{name: village.name})
SET v.area = village.area,
v.en = village.en
WITH v, village
MERGE (d:District{name: village.district})
MERGE (v)-[:IN]->(d)
WITH v, village, village.prefecture as prefecture, d
MATCH (p:Prefecture)
WHERE p.en = toLower(prefecture)
OR p.en = toLower(
replace(prefecture, 'ō', 'o'),
MERGE (v)-[:IN]->(p)
MERGE (d)-[:IN]->(p)
By building the fundamentals of data in the database, I know more than yesterday.