Elevating My Career: Pursuing AWS Certification as a System Architect

Elevating My Career: Pursuing AWS Certification as a System Architect
作者: Calpa Liu
出版日期:August 4, 2023
更新日期:August 4, 2023

Excited to share my ambitious career goal with all my amazing connections on LinkedIn! 🌟 Over the past years as a Full Stack Web Developer in the Event industry, I've gained valuable experience in various technologies, including AWS Server deployment and management. Now, I am determined to take my skills to the next level by earning the AWS Practitioner Certification!

Excited to share my ambitious career goal with all my amazing connections on LinkedIn! 🌟 Over the past years as a Full Stack Web Developer in the Event industry, I’ve gained valuable experience in various technologies, including AWS Server deployment and management. Now, I am determined to take my skills to the next level by earning the AWS Practitioner Certification!

I’m incredibly grateful to my current company, EPISODE Maker Asia, for the tremendous support they’ve provided throughout my AWS journey. They entrusted me with full control over AWS and Alibaba Cloud, empowering me to lead the team in deploying our full-stack website applications and S3 assets effortlessly using aws cli commands.

As I learn AWS, I make it a point to share my experiences with my teammates, fostering a culture of continuous learning and collaboration.

The journey has already begun, and I’m excited to bring back new skills and expertise to contribute even more to our team’s success! Join me on this exciting path as I work towards becoming an AWS Certified Practitioner, aiming to elevate my career and contribute to the ever-evolving world of cloud technology! 🚀

#AWS #CertificationGoals #CloudComputing #CareerGrowth #Motivated #Grateful

關於 Calpa

Calpa 擅長使用 TypeScript、React.js 和 Vue.js 開發Responsive Web Design網站。

此外,Calpa 積極參與香港和台灣的開源社區,曾在2019年的香港開源大會上擔任講者,提供工作經驗和見解。此外,他也在 GitHub 上公開分享個人博客程式碼,已獲得超過300顆星星和60個分支的支持。
